Our Mission: We are a group of young adult Catholics (20's and 30's) coming together to serve our community, parish and each other in Christ
Nuestra misión: Somos un grupo de jovenes adultos católicos (20's y 30's) uniéndose para servir a nuestra comunidad, nuestra parroquia y ayudando el uno al otro en Cristo.
Email: ascensionyoungadultsnyc@gmail.com
About a dozen parishioners, including AAA group members, watched the film "Risen" and discussed the movie afterward at Ascension on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016.
The AAA group hosted a picnic in Central Park with parishioners and friends on Sunday, Sept. 25, 2016. More than 20 people, including Father Rev. Dan Kearney, attended the event.